Laying out the audio tracks
When you play through your video now in the preview window, you will see the title appear and your recorded audio will begin to play. The visual part of your e-learning video is beginning to take shape. Now, let's think about the audio tracks and what we might accomplish there.
Enhancing the experience
When you think about audio for an e-learning video, what thoughts occur to you? As a consumer of video content, you probably never gave much consideration to the parts that make up a program. If you go to movies, you can hardly ignore the audio. Surround-sound systems immerse you in a sensory experience.
In e-learning, audio can enhance the experience, but perhaps not in the same ways as entertainment. So, what does "enhancing the experience" mean?
In e-learning, our aim is to teach or inform. A well-constructed audio track in e-learning enhances the process the same way a teacher enhances the classroom experience with interesting comments, stories, facts, or perhaps...