Assembling the components of a drone
In this section, we will learn how to assemble the various components of the drone. To do this, we will mount them all with fasteners.
There is always an assembly manual that’s given by the manufacturer to assemble the drone’s frame. Let’s look at assembling the frame of the famous Quadcopter Tarot X4:

Figure 9.1: Tarot airframe
Airframe assembly
Assembling the frame of a drone is a crucial step in building an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV). Proper assembly ensures structural integrity and stability during flight. Considering the aforementioned Tarot X4 airframe, this section will provide a precautionary guide you can follow while assembling the airframe to verify its correctness.
Assembling the drone’s frame
Considering the famous beginner DIY build for the Tarot X4, we will start by assembling the critical components as per the manufacturer’s assembly guide. The guide...