In this chapter, we explored the topic of continuous deployment in AWS using the Spinnaker framework. We started by configuring Spinnaker to work with Jenkins, GitHub, AWS ECR, and Docker Hub. Then, we used it to deploy the ShipIt Clicker application to Kubernetes on EKS, securing both Spinnaker and the ShipIt Clicker application with SSL.
Following this, we learned about some advanced deployment strategies that Spinnaker offers, and what some of the trade-offs are that you would have to make when configuring your Kubernetes-driven Docker application to take advantage of them. We also learned how you can trigger the execution of tests (manual or automated) via Spinnaker. By using the lessons learned in this chapter in practice, you can construct continuous deployment systems that use a combination of simple Jenkins build jobs and Spinnaker pipelines to deploy Docker applications to Kubernetes. The skills you have acquired related to integrating Spinnaker with Kubernetes...