The model hunt
Here is a first cut at identifying the models in SuperBook. Typical to an early attempt, we have represented only the essential models and their relationships in the form of a class diagram:

Let's forget models for a moment and talk in terms of the objects we are modeling. Each user has a profile. A user can make several comments or several posts. A Like can be related to a single user/post combination.
Drawing a class diagram of your models like this is recommended. Some attributes might be missing at this stage but you can detail them later. Once the entire project is represented in the diagram, it makes separating the apps easier.
Here are some tips to create this representation:
Boxes represent entities, which become models.
Nouns in your write-up typically end up as entities.
Arrows are bi-directional and represent one of the three types of relationships in Django: one-to-one, one-to-many (implemented with Foreign Keys), and many-to-many.
The field denoting the one-to-many relationship...