In this section, we will share a few useful tips and tricks for the advanced usage of AppSheet actions. They will help you develop custom features for navigation from one view to another, as well as data manipulations.
Forcing sync upon navigating to the target view
When you guide your app users to another view by navigating from a certain view, you may need to ensure that the users will access the most recent data at the time they navigate to the next view as much as possible. The most practical solution is to let the app always sync upon moving to another view by using a deep link action. For instance, you can set an action to move to another view using the following expression:
Linktoview("Next View Name")
Once this deep link action is invoked, it moves to the target view without syncing the app. This means the next view the app user is accessing may not really reflect the most recent data, as it is possible that the other app users may have edited...