Managing our product data
Currently, we have a form that can be used for two purposes. It can be used to enter a new product as well as to edit existing ones. We are going to reuse this form. Reuse is the fastest path to make things easier. However, we must not think that it is the only way to do things. What we should think is that not reusing something requires a reason for doing it differently.
In order to edit an existing product, we will have to create a page that shows the existing product records. Let us create the page:
<!--- Example: product_list.cfm ---> <!--- Processing ---> <cfscript> objProduct = createObject("component","product").init(dsn="cfb"); rsProducts = objProduct.getRecordset(); </cfscript> <!--- Content ---> <h3>Select a product to edit.</h3> <ul> <cfoutput query="rsProducts"> <li> <a href="product_edit.cfm?"> </li> </cfoutput> </ul...