Time for action – using the BBCacti client
Select the Cac ti Tree View. You'll be presented with the list of available trees as seen in Cacti:
The Thold page seen after the login shows you a list of graphs which have thresholds that are breached. You can directly select and view the graph from the Thold page.
The Down Hosts list is just a simple list of hosts currently marked as down by Cacti.
Drill down the Cacti Tree View and select your localhost device:
Select the Load Average graph. A loading icon should appear. Wait until the graph loads:
You can change the timeframe by clicking on the trackball or using the default BlackBerry menu. You can select any of the pre-defined timeframes or define a custom one:
What just happened?
You just connected to your Cacti server and looked at your first graph on your BlackBerry device. You're now able to browse the graphs on your server and limit access to the mobile client interface using the normal Cacti user management system. You're also able to look at graphs with threshold breaches without searching the Cacti tree for the correct graph.