In this chapter, we explored the structure of a glTF model file format by using a simple example. Other glTF model files will be much more complex, so we just focused on the important parts. You can try out the suggestions in the Practical sessions section; they will enable you to load and draw even more complex models.
The theoretical knowledge gained from the analysis of the glTF file format and the exploration of the example file has been used to create a C++ class, containing the vertex data of the model and the vertex indices to draw the model. Our focus here was to encapsulate the model data and create independent objects that can be drawn to the screen using a couple of simple commands in the renderer.
In the following chapter, we will continue with the fundamental parts of a character in a game. You will learn the basic steps to animate a game character, how animation data is stored in the glTF model file, and how to extract and interpret this data.