Building a Sample Orchestration in BizTalk
Now that you have a fair understanding of BizTalk and its capabilities, let us jump right in and build a sample BizTalk Orchestration. We will use the same scenario as discussed in Chapter 3, of selecting the best insurance offer and see how it can be implemented in BizTalk.
BizTalk receives an insurance premium quote request from a client application along with the required details, which it forwards to two external insurance companies. Once the response is received from the external parties indicating the premium each of them have quoted, BizTalk compares them and sends back the response with the lowest premium to the requester.
Open a new Empty BizTalk Server Project in Visual Studio .NET and name it InsuranceSelection as shown below.

Next we need to build two schemas, one for the request message and one for the response.
The structure of the XML request message is as given below:
<InsuranceRequest> <Name></Name...