Custom Web Boxes
There are two types of Web Boxes in the CSK:
The global Web Box, which is available to every community on a site and located in the
directoryThe community-specific Web Box, which will reside in the
directory underneath a specific community
There are two global Web Boxes we will implement for our FAQ module from the last chapter. These are the "new" and "popular" Web Boxes available for almost every other module (Articles, Books, and Download, to name a few) in the CSK. These Web Boxes are small bits of content that appear in the periphery of the main content window and are a good way to alert users to new content and draw attention to specific areas of a site. In the following screenshot, we have highlighted two Web Boxes, Quote.ASCX (community-specific) and New Photos.ASCX (global):
Let’s complete our FAQ module by adding the new FAQ and popular FAQ Web Boxes.
FAQ Web Boxes
Some of the work we need to do to display new and popular FAQs...