After reading this chapter, you should know about the Razor syntax and how the C# code can be combined with HTML to create dynamic content.
We also covered how to create Razor components, from simple ones containing plain HTML to more advanced components with content defined in parameters by the parent component, as well as the components that can render multiple RenderFragments.
By now, you should know how to use routing in Blazor to specify routable components, navigate between components when the user clicks on the anchor element, and use code behind the NavigationManager
class. With all this knowledge, you should be able to create any type of Blazor WebAssembly application for websites with dynamic content and JavaScript-like events, but without using any JavaScript libraries or scripts. If you know about the older Microsoft WebForms technology, you should be able to migrate such applications to the latest framework using Blazor components.
In the next chapter, we will continue with our demo project. We will create custom routable components that will show a different type of data, create some resource classes that will provide the data for us, and learn how to connect the client with the server to pass the data to the website.