Configuring the logfiles
In this recipe, we will discuss the configuration of the logfiles. The configuration of the logfiles is important because it enables us to fine-tune the information we want to gather from the BPEL process execution.
Getting ready
For this recipe, there is no special preparation needed. However, further discussion will lead us to more specific configuration of the logfiles. For that purpose, we will use the BPEL process that we prepared for this chapter. The BPEL process first checks the hotel availability, receives the room price, and checks for car availability.
How to do it…
By following the next steps, we will configure logfiles through the Oracle Enterprise Manager Console:
Log in to the Oracle Enterprise Manager Console.
Select soa-infra from the tree on the left side. Then, right-click on soa-infra and select Logs | Log Configuration.
The Log Configuration opens and you have two tabs to choose. The Log Levels tab is used for changing the level of tracing that we use...