In this chapter, we explored a unique aspect of the Micro:bit: we learned how to use its inbuilt speaker to generate different sounds. We also talked about the connections of an external speaker and how they can be connected to the Micro:bit. Then, we learned how to generate a single musical tone with different octaves and durations. These tones can be combined to generate customized melodies. We also explored the music
library of MicroPython to play some predefined melodies. In the second half of this chapter, we learned how to use a microphone and take sound inputs to perform interesting operations on the Micro:bit. Finally, we discussed how to generate human-like speech using the speech library.
In the next chapter, we will discuss networking and radio communication using the Micro:bit. We will explore in detail how two or more Micro:bit devices can communicate using the built-in radio. We will also create a few simple games using the radio communication capability of...