Connecting and manipulating S3 buckets
Central file storage is conventional for organizations to secure and store data. If you have worked in IT, chances are you have had your fair share of run-ins with setting up Server Message Block (SMB) shares over Windows to allow file sharing between multiple hosts. Allowing files to be centrally resourced is a great way to collaborate and share information, as well as allowing personnel to access data remotely from another system. Setting up a file server, where data is stored – and retrieved – is nothing new. What is new is how we can store data in this same method, only now we can store it in the cloud using technology known as S3 – or Simple Storage Service if you want to spell it out.
So, what is S3? S3 is a simple storage system (as the name implies) and allows users to store data in the cloud. Just like how we store data on a file server, we can store data in what is known as an S3 bucket, which will hold the contents...