Exercise 10.2 – cleaning up
In this exercise, you will delete the resources that you created in the previous exercise as part of the cleanup process:
- Navigate back to the Amazon SNS console.
- From the left-hand menu, select Topics.
- Next, from the right-hand pane, select the source-code-changes topic. Click the Delete button.
- You will be prompted to confirm the delete request with a dialog box. Type
delete me
in the confirmation text box and then click the Delete button. The topic will be deleted.
Now that you have deleted the Amazon SNS topic, you can also delete the Amazon S3 bucket as we no longer require it:
- Navigate to the Amazon S3 console.
- From the left-hand menu, click on Buckets.
- From the right-hand pane, select the bucket that you uploaded your source code to earlier.
- You can only delete buckets if they are empty. This means that you have to delete the objects in your bucket first. With the bucket selected, click the Empty...