Hocking up the OLED screen
The screen we will be using for this project is a 128 x 32 pixel monochrome OLED screen based on a SSD1306 driver. OLED stands for organic light-emitting diode. The technology is based around a type of coal, which is the organic part of the screen. The benefits with OLED technology is that these screens do not require back light in order to display information. This makes them thinner than normal LCD screens, which are the most common small displays. OLED screens can also achieve a much higher contrast than regular LED screens. The screen we will be using is a monochrome screen, which means that it's only black and white, but there are color OLED displays available too.
To help ease the programming part of the project, we will be using a great library written by Limor Fried for the SSD1306 driver. Limor Fried is also the founder of Adafruit, the company that has designed many of the boards and components used in this book. You can find the library at https...