What this book covers
Chapter 1, Getting Started with Arduino, introduces you to the Arduino ecosystem and teaches you how to write your first lines of code.
Chapter 2, Leveraging Various Sensors for Data Acquisition, looks at various categories of sensors that exist within the Arduino ecosystem for reading data from the environment.
Chapter 3, Prototyping with Shields, gives an introduction to shields, which extend microcontrollers with various capabilities without requiring soldering knowledge.
Chapter 4, Storing Data Collected from Sensors, shows how to store data in files on a micro-SD card.
Chapter 5, Implementing REST and MQTT Protocols for Communication, teaches you how to set up REST APIs to read from and write to databases.
Chapter 6, Utilizing Various Communication Technologies, gives a brief overview of various communication options and which ones to consider based on the distance you need to cover.
Chapter 7, Communicating with LoRaWAN, shows how to set up a gateway and send data to The Things Network.
Chapter 8, Working with Ethernet, shows how to read data from a weather API over Ethernet and use that to make decisions when the situation doesn’t allow for wireless communications.
Chapter 9, Leveraging Cellular Communication Technology, looks at how to choose a cellular radio, send and receive data over SMS and GPRS, and make phone calls.
Chapter 10, Communicating via HC-12, shows how to set up HC-12 modules, and how to send and receive data using them.
Chapter 11, Managing Communication with RS-485, looks at communicating over RS-485 and Modbus in an environmental setting.
Chapter 12, Enhancing Security for Reducing Risk, explains the threat that exists when you transmit or store data, and how you can reduce such risks.
Chapter 13, Scaling for High Availability, explores why you need to ensure that the systems that collect and store your data are available a majority of the time and strategies to consider in order to make that happen.
Chapter 14, Building and Manufacturing Hardware, discusses going from solutions based on breadboards and shields to products that you can take out into the field and test.