Cloudflare Workers KV
Workers KV is a key-value store offering from Cloudflare. This store is globally distributed and provides low latency access to the key values. Worker KV is tuned for high-volume reads while supporting relatively low-volume writes. The more data is read, the better performance it provides. The KV architecture ensures that frequently accessed key values are pushed to and accessible from all edge locations while infrequently read key values are stored centrally in limited data centers.
KV is an eventually consistent data store. This means that a modification made at a specific edge location will reflect the change immediately locally but will take time to propagate to all edge data centers. As per the documentation, the ideal time for propagation is 60 seconds, but this could be longer for locations where the same key was accessed recently (and an older version of the value was returned). This is due to the caching nature of the key values at the edge. The old...