Time for action – adding in-app purchases for Android
Perform the following steps to add in-app purchases for Android:
You should have the following before you can define in-app purchasing products:
A version of your app uploaded to Google Play— although the app does not have to be live to test in-app purchases
A test user—you as the publisher cannot purchase your own item, although you can buy Google test products
The app must include permission to access in-app products
We will go through these steps in this example.
In-app purchases are defined through the Google Play Developer Console. Log in to your account and select your app.
Create a test user by selecting Settings | Account details from the navigation bars. Enter a different e-mail address to the one you used to register for the Google Play account under the Gmail accounts with testing access text area and click on Save. An example entry is shown in the following screenshot:
You need a Google Merchant account before you can create products...