Time for action — properties of the $config model object
The following exercise will show you how to use some properties of the $config
model object inside your custom template:
Go to your custom template editing page, and replace the six lines of code below the
line with the following lines:Welcome to my blog, <b>$model.weblog.name</b> --> <i>$config. siteDescription</i> </br> I'm using Apache Roller Version <b>$config.rollerVersion</b> </br> You can e-mail me at <b>$config.siteEmail</b> if you run into any problems in this site. </br> This is my first template </br> My weblog's absolute URL is: <b>$url.absoluteSite</b> </br> </br>
The entire code of your template should look like the following screenshot (the code you have to change is highlighted):
Save your changes and click on your template's [launch] link to open a new tab in your web browser and see the results...