What this book covers
Chapter 1, Our App and Tool Stack, explains the tooling process, which is one of the hottest topics in today's web development community, and AngularJS has a suite of tools that enhances your developer experience. You will learn about Angular's tool stack, how they fit together, and most notably, how they can help you deploy and maintain future applications.
Chapter 2, Deploying to Apache, explains why Apache, being the most popular web server environment, is a solid platform for hosting most Angular applications. You will get an opportunity to enhance Apache's default configuration to best support your Angular application. We will also discuss best practices to determine whether Apache is suitable for your type of application or whether an alternate infrastructure should be considered.
Chapter 3, Deploying to Heroku, discusses Heroku, which is one of the best platforms as a service. Its infrastructure empowers developers to spin up, deploy to, and scale their own Node.js servers at a minimal cost. Deploying to Heroku is a positive developer experience because its tool speed and efficiency are second to none.
Chapter 4, Deploying to Firebase Hosting, explains why Firebase has only been offering PaaS for a few months, but the promise of hosting your application code in the same environment as your real-time database has created a lot of interest around the Firebase services. You will learn how Firebase is preconfigured to optimally serve the AngularJS applications and how to further tailor Firebase Hosting to your application's needs.
Chapter 5, Deploying a Mobile App, explains why hybrid mobile apps is not a new idea, but the quality and tooling around it has made it a strong contender when building a mobile application. We will take our application's code and build it for Android/iOS using PhoneGap, Apache Cordova, and Cordova Chrome Apps.
Chapter 6, Deploying as Chrome Apps, explains why Chrome OS's adoption is growing at an exponential rate and the need for developers to support this platform is parallel in importance. Angular thrives in this environment, and deploying our application as a Chrome App for consumption on the Chrome Web Store/Chrome OS is an exciting frontier for both developers and consumers.
Chapter 7, Postdeployment, explains why deployment is no exception to the marketing adage of "rinse, lather, repeat", because it is never finished. Optimizing your workflow with best practices is necessary to ensure the longevity of your application. We will enhance our application and grok how to safely deploy the enhancement into production.
Chapter 8, Conclusion – AngularJS Deployment Essentials, explains that harnessing the tools will allow you to deploy a single AngularJS application to new platforms and new customers. We will discuss a few tips that will help you get the best out of these tools.