In this chapter, we discussed the tool stack and workflow used to build the app that we will deploy in the forthcoming chapters. Together, Git and Yeoman formed a solid foundation for building krakn. Git and GitHub provided us with distributed version control and a platform for sharing the application's source code with you and the world. Yeoman facilitated the remainder of the workflow: scaffolding with Yo, automation with Grunt, and package management with Bower. With our app fully scaffolded, we were able to build our interface with the directives provided by the Ionic Framework, and wire up the real-time data synchronization forged by our Firebase instance. With a few key tools, we were able to minimize our development time while maximizing our return.
Next, we will take our freshly constructed real-time chat app, krakn, and deploy it to an Apache web server for consumption over the Web. Once manually deployed to Apache, we will discuss automating future deployments and optimizing the environment for an Angular application.