Chapter 2. Starting Our First Project
Now it's time for the exciting stuff! As we move forward with building our first project, we are going to use the design process we talked about in the last chapter and start with a level sketch. You might be tempted to just open up Unreal and jump right in, right? Why spend time drawing when I could be building that sweet level I've always wanted? Well, here's why. The best way to avoid multiple revisions and costly time spent redoing sections of your level is to plan in advance. Figure out the setting, architecture, background, and story of your level. Put some thought into where you will place story cues and power ups. Run your ideas by friends, players, and team members. Incorporate the feedback you receive and then build your level. It's the level designer's equivalent of "measure twice, cut once".
Let's take a look at our level sketch:

Our first level map!
So here is our first level. The level itself...