npm v6 is the result of the collaboration between npm and their acquisition of the Node Security Platform. This introduces two new security features:
Every user of the npm v6 Registry will begin receiving automatic warnings if the code used has a known security issue. npm will automatically review install requests against the NSP database and return a warning if the code contains a vulnerability.
npm v6, has a new command, ‘npm audit’, which allows developers to recursively analyze their dependency trees to identify specific insecurities, following which developers can swap in a new version or find a safer alternate dependency.
Both these security features are available free of charge to every npm user, with no purchase or registration required. These resources are open sourced to maximize the community benefit. By alerting the entire community to security vulnerabilities within a tool, npm can make JavaScript development safer for everyone.
Apart from the security features, there are also a large number of other performance updates:
Also checkout the release notes for npm v6 release, and the roadmap of the year ahead.
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