Chapter 11. Analyzing Enterprise Applications' Behavior
In this chapter, we will cover the following topics:
- Finding out what is running over your network
- Analyzing FTP problems
- Analyzing e-mail traffic and troubleshooting e-mail problems – POP, IMAP, and SMTP
- Analyzing MS-TS and Citrix communication problems
- Analyzing problems in the NetBIOS protocols
- Analyzing database traffic and common problems
One of the important things that you can use Wireshark for is application analysis and troubleshooting. When the application slows down, it can be because of the LAN (quite uncommon in wired LAN), the WAN service (common due to insufficient bandwidth or high delay), or slow servers or clients (we will see this in TCP window problems). It can also be due to slow or problematic applications.
The purpose of this chapter is to get in to the details of how applications work, and provide some guidelines and recipes for isolating and solving these problems. In the first recipe...