Offensive PowerShell – introducing the Empire framework
The fact that we can sit down at a Windows box and use PowerShell to interact with the operating system so intimately is certainly a Windows administrator’s dream come true. As attackers, we see the parts for a precision-guided missile, and we only need the time to construct it. In a pen test, we just don’t have the time to write the perfect PowerShell script on the fly, so the average pen tester has a candy bag full of homegrown scripts for certain tasks. One of the scripts I used client after client did nothing more than poke around for open ports and dump the IP addresses into text files inside folders named after the open port. Things like that sound mundane and borderline pointless – until you’re out in the field and realize you’ve saved dozens of hours.
The advanced security professional sees tools such as Metasploit in this light – a framework for organized, efficient...