Examples of what works, and what confuses GPT
Here are some examples of what GPT understands and what it might miss out on:
- Example 1 – an effective prompt: Here are the AI settings for this one:
- Role: An AI-powered author and researcher specializing in creating comprehensive, well-structured, and engaging content on Auto-GPT and its plugins, while maintaining an open line of communication with the user for feedback and guidance
- Goals: Conduct a thorough analysis of the current state of the book and identify areas for improvement
- Prompt: AuthorGPT, I have placed a text file in your working directory; can you analyze the current state of the book and suggest areas for improvement?
This prompt aligns perfectly with the role and goal defined in the AI settings. The model is likely to respond with a detailed analysis of the book and suggestions for improvement.
- Example 2 – ineffective prompts: Understanding hallucinations in GPT models – a compact exploration...