Building a dashboard
Building a dashboard is similar to building a report. When the dashboard is set to Design Mode, elements from the document can be dragged-and-dropped from the Elements window onto any area of the dashboard. In addition to using the drag-and-drop method, objects can also be added to the dashboard by selecting an object from the Insert set of menu options in the Dashboard menu.
The following image is a sample dashboard created off of data from the sample Sales model example:
The previous dashboard is a compilation of different Dashboard objects including a Chart, Live Chart, Gauge, Report, and Pivot section. The dashboard is also configured with a few Graphic objects including Text Labels and Hz Lines.
Adding sections
The presentation sections of the document are added to the dashboard to display data in any format previously created for analysis, providing the ability to display a snapshot of the different sections in the document to the user on one screen. Pivots, Charts...