In this chapter, we learned about a new function of the Slack App Directory and how to use it to spread awareness and the use of your completed app. We prepped your app by going through the checklist and understanding what factors make an app suitable for public use across the platform. We submitted the app for approval and, once receiving the go-ahead, pushed it live by publishing it to the directory. We learned how to maintain our live app by keeping it constantly updated and if we reached a point where we could no longer take care of it, how to completely remove it from the app directory. We worked from the ground up, learning about and understanding the many features, tools, and skills of Slack, and now, you're on your own.
You've officially completed your journey through Slack. To summarize the entire book, you developed a basic understanding of Slack as a communication platform in Chapter 1, Getting Started with Slack, and the benefits of using Slack over...