Going deeper
Logging is really helpful and can really save you a lot of time to figure out what is going on. However, sometimes, you need to go even deeper. At times, you need to look at the raw traffic. There are a few ways to do this.
A popular, free, and very good debugging tool to debug HTTP traffic is Fiddler. You can download it for free at http://www.telerik.com/fiddler. It gives you the opportunity to monitor all HTTP requests happening on your computer.
Fiddler sets itself as a proxy between all traffic and in order to get the best experience from it, you need to enable streams, otherwise SignalR will fall back to long-polling, but not immediately (typically, after 3-5 seconds), as shown in the following screenshot:
If the browser and server support web sockets, SignalR might choose to use this as its preferred transport. In this case, you want to open the Log tab, as shown here:
Performance counters
Monitor messages on a higher level to see the throughput...