Replacing ORM
As Java developers, we are used to handling relational database persistence through the use of mature and well-established JPA frameworks such as Hibernate or EclipseLink. Despite the fact that these frameworks are convenient to use and hide a lot of the complexity for retrieving or updating data that is spread over several tables, Object-Relational Mapping suffers from the Object-Relational Impedance Mismatch problem; in an object-oriented model, you traverse objects via their relationships, whereas in a relational database, you join the data rows of tables, resulting sometimes in an inefficient and cumbersome retrieval of data. (This is further explained on the Wikipedia page,
In contrast, the Slick
framework that is part of the Typesafe stack proposes to solve the persistence of data to relational databases through a Functional Relational Mapping, which strives for a more natural fit. Some of the additional...