As this ebook edition doesn't have fixed pagination, the page numbers below are hyperlinked for reference only, based on the printed edition of this book.
abstract classes 351, 391
Abstract Factory pattern 97-103
abstract syntax trees (ASTs) 300
abstraction 40
access methods
getter 343
setter 344
access modifiers
about 341
adding 342
internal 342
private 342
private protected 342
protected 342
protected internal 342
public 342
Active Domain Object (ADO) pattern 312
ActiveX Data Objects (ADO) 312
Ada 329
Adapter pattern 292-294
Adobe Illustrator 341
aggregations 399
Agile development 260
aliases 333
ampere (amp) 229
application programmer interface-(API-) 140
arrays 325
artificial intelligence (AI) 296
aspect-oriented programming (AOP) 315
association 399
Behavioral patterns 173
CAD design 74-79
initial design 79-87