Time for action – using InputTextarea
In this section, we will demonstrate how to use the AutoComplete feature with InputTextarea and show how many more characters can be entered into that field, which is shown as follows:
Create the user account form with
to enter the user's biography:<h:form id="myAccountForm"> <p:panel header="My Account"> <h:panelGrid columns="2"> <p:outputLabel for="bio" value="About Me"/> <p:inputTextarea id="bio" value="#{userController.loginUser.bio}" cols="50" rows="5" completeMethod="#{userController.completeBio}" minQueryLength="4" scrollHeight="100" counter="counter" counterTemplate="{0} characters remaining" maxlength="500" autoResize="true" /> <h:outputText id="counter" value="" /> <p:commandButton value="save" actionListener="#{userController.updateUser}" update="@form"/> </h:panelGrid> </p:panel...