Installing a third party theme "element" to your site
As much as you enjoyed creating your own theme, the time and effort to work on spectacular graphics work and the need for detailing is burdensome to many of us.
An alternative to doing everything on your own is to use one of the free themes, which resembles your desired concept, and you can cut short a lot of time and effort. There are quite a number of PrestaShop v1.2.5 themes that you can get for free instead of the latest v1.3.1. Find the one closest to your layout requirements. There are a number of basic themes at, which you can download for free.
Now, let's choose a two column theme to work with. This was developed based on the v1.2.5 platform.

This is the preview picture of the element and how the main page will look when you complete the installation and deployment work.
Although it can be used, there are some changes that have to be made to the theme files for PrestaShop v1.2.5 to ensure the correct functionalities...