Time for action - using the content management system
Having decided upon the text for all your pages, it is time to actually create them.
1. Click on the Tools tab. Next click on CMS.
2. From the list of pages, click on the first one that you want to edit. The Edit button is the little pencil and paper picture in the middle of the three icons on the right.
3. Type or copy and paste your content as discussed previously. Click on the Save button when done.
4. Repeat for each page. Notice that there is a little red cross icon next to the edit icon. You can delete a page if you feel you do not need it. For example, many stores combine their terms and conditions with their legal notice.
5. Visit all your new pages to make sure they are formatted as you want them.
What just happened?
The 'must-have' pages are hardly the most exciting pages of your shop to create. However, they are really important. And once they are done, you can usually leave them alone and get on to more exciting things! For example...