Remote ping-pong technique
Ping-pong is a kind of driver-navigator where you rotate a lot. Specifically, this frequent rotation generates some issues, and remote ping-pong can be significantly more difficult in a remote setup due to the tools that we need to use.
The driver-navigator distinction remains, as in the technique explained previously, but their role changes very often. It's like having two hats that the two partners exchange very often. That is why the focus changes quite a lot from a driver who only focuses on short-term decisions and a navigator who focuses on long-term decisions, to both partners needing to focus on both aspects. This requires more experience in programming, software design, architecture, and the programming language that you use.
This approach is far more balanced than the driver-navigator one, and it requires that both programmers are experienced. You have more discussions about the future of the design as both partners envision some possible...