PKI-based access control has traditionally relied on ITU-T X.509 certificate standards. In this section, we shall evaluate X.509 and also the emerging IEEE 1609.2 standard, specifically in the context of IIoT use cases.
PKIÂ certificate standards for IIoT
ITU-T X.509
ISO/IEC/ITU-T X.509 is a digital certificate standard widely used in PKI. In 2008, IETF profiled X-509 Version 3 for internet usage in RFC 5280 (RFC2), also referred to as a PKIX certificate. Today, many IIoT trust implementations use the X.509 digital certificate format (see Figure 3.8). It is a highly organized and hierarchical format used to certify the identity of the entity the certificate has been issued to, a validity period, and the associated public...