Further reading
These aids for further study will let you dive deeper into the attacks covered in the chapter:
- Gabriel Prud’homme, SCCM Exploitation: The First Cred Is the Deepest II: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W9PC9erm_pI
- Chris Thompson, SharpSCCM Demos at 2023 Black Hat USA Arsenal: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uyI5rgR0D-s
- Christopher Panayi, Identifying and retrieving credentials from SCCM/MECM Task Sequences: https://www.mwrcybersec.com/research_items/identifying-and-retrieving-credentials-from-sccm-mecm-task-sequences
- HTTP418InfoSec, Offensive SCCM Summary: https://http418infosec.com/offensive-sccm-summary