In this chapter, we will cover some basic recipes to get the reader started working with the Oracle Service Bus (OSB). We will first develop the simplest possible service on the OSB with only one proxy service and then recipe by recipe add some more functionality to that service. In contrast to the other chapters, the recipes in this chapter are dependent on each other, and all the recipes of this chapter should therefore, be done in order. On the other hand, each single recipe can also be applied standalone by importing the 'getting-ready' project referenced in the Getting, Ready section of each recipe.
In some of the recipes, we will also define the best practices and development conventions that we will use for this book, however, they are also applicable in any other project. We teach how to best structure a project using Eclipse OEPE (with the OSB plugin installed).
In this recipe, we will implement a mediation service in the OSB, which consumes a web service from an external CRM system.