Using different outline formula logic at parent level
In this recipe, we will set up an Average Sale and a Product Sale Share measure that shows more than just a simple aggregation at the parent level. The parent level in a BSO cube does not always have to be the aggregation of its children. In this recipe, you will learn how to get the average of the children at the parent level. Moreover, we will learn how to derive what percent of the parent a distinct Sales | Product combination represents.
Getting ready
To get started, click on the Start menu and navigate to Programs | Oracle EPM System | Essbase | Essbase Administration Services | Start Administration Services Console. In the Log in menu, enter your Administration Server, Username, Password, and click on the Log in button. Drill down on the your Essbase Server in EAS and the Applications node, select the Sample Basic database, and double-click on the Basic outline to edit.
How to do it...
Click on the Outline tab, drill down on the Measures...