Creating an OLAP metaoutline in EIS
In this recipe, we will build an OLAP metaoutline in the EIS. The OLAP metaoutline is used to determine the structure and content of your Essbase outline. In contrast to Essbase Studio, we will be using the OLAP metaoutline to accomplish tasks like building hierarchies, creating a cube schema, creating an Essbase model, and setting Essbase properties. Building an OLAP metaoutline will require us to define our measures, create the hierarchies within our dimension, define the organizational structure of groups of members, and define members among other tasks.
Getting ready
To get started, click on the Start menu and Programs | Oracle EPM System | Integration Services-Console. We should complete the recipe Creating an OLAP Model in EIS in this chapter as we will build on the OLAP Model completed there.
How to do it…
Click on the File menu in EIS. Select New…, and click on the OLAP Metaoutline icon in the Welcome dialog box. Select TBC from the Select the model...