Creating suppliers
Suppliers are required for the creation of a purchase order. In this recipe, we will create a supplier called Office Widgets Suppliers, Inc.
Getting ready
Suppliers can be created from the purchasing or payables responsibilities. Before the supplier is created, we need to establish that the supplier does not exist on the system, and the necessary payables, purchasing, and financials options have been set.
How to do it...
Let's list the steps required to create a supplier:
1. Navigate to the Purchasing responsibility.
2. Navigate to Supply Base | Suppliers.
3. Click on Create Supplier.
4. In the Supplier Type field, select Standard Supplier from the drop-down list.
5. In the Organization Name field, enter a unique name for the supplier name. For example, Office Widgets Suppliers, Inc. Organizations should have a naming convention for suppliers to avoid duplicate entries. The Organization Name is case sensitive.
6. In the Country of Origin field, enter United States.
7. Click on...