Modeling a fictitious organization
Our fictitious organization "FusionNX", located at, has a number of business processes. Let's take into consideration FusionNX's Sales Quote business process to implement the modeling phase.
How to do it...
1. Define the Business Process and the tasks inside it:
Define SalesToContract as a process that you will model for the Sales Quote process of FusionNX
Create SalesToContract as the main process
Define Enter Quote, Business Analysis, Approvals, and Contract Finalization as different tasks inside it.
2. Define who the participants are and what role they will play in process development and at runtime:
Define users who will participate in different tasks/work in the process, such as Sales Representatives, Approvers, and so on, in the SalesToContract process, which you will model for the Sales Quote process of FusionNX.
3. Define what data will be associated with the process:
Define quote data, as per
, for the SalesToContract process, which you will model for the Sales Quote process of FusionNX.
4. Define the outcome of the process as a whole and outcomes of the different tasks:
Enlist outcomes of all the tasks that you have rejected or approved as possible outcomes of the Approvals task; also enlist all other tasks for the SalesToContract process which you will model for Sales Quote Process of FusionNX.
How it works...
As per the Use Case listed in the preceding text, the Process Analyst will determine the business requirement and will come up with with the Process Flow, user persona, data meant for the process, and outcome of the process. The resulting conclusion is an understanding of the business requirement specific to FusionNX's Sales Quote business process.
The following information is required by Process Analyst to design the Business Process Model:
Process Flow
Process participants: Users ,Groups, and organizational roles
Data: Business data, and input and output of each process step, and process as a whole
Outcomes: Possible Outputs from human workflow, process steps, and the process as a whole.