Getting some credit
Everyone likes to get credit for their hard work! Most games will implement a credits screen that shows the name and function of each person involved in creating the game. For AAA titles, this list may be as long as a list for a movie. For smaller, independent games, this list might be three people.
Creating the credits screen
Similarly to the main menu, the credits screen will be based on a background image and a button that can be clicked. We will also need to add text to the screen.
Let's start by declaring a pointer for our screen. Add the following declaration to the variables section of RoboRacer2D.cpp
Sprite* creditsScreen;
Then, we will instantiate the credits screen in LoadTextures
creditsScreen = new Sprite(1); creditsScreen->SetFrameSize(800.0f, 600.0f); creditsScreen->SetNumberOfFrames(1); creditsScreen->AddTexture("resources/credits.png", false); creditsScreen->IsActive(false); creditsScreen->IsVisible(true);
Next, we wire the credits screen into...