Evil twin attack – honeypots
An evil twin attack is a very common attack where an attacker creates a rogue AP with the same ESSID and the same or different BSSID (depending on the security architecture of the victim's organization) to lure victims into thinking the attacker's AP is legitimate. The attacker does this by amplifying the rogue AP signals in such a manner that the victim's machines automatically connect to the fake AP.
The whole idea behind creating a fake AP is very simple but depends on the organization's implementation of the target SSID as well. Take the following examples:
- If the target SSID is configured with open authentication but with a captive portal, then the attacker will create a fake web page, connect that with a database, and once the victim starts putting credentials in that web page, the attacker from the backend, after capturing the credentials, will provide victims with internet access and the victim will think of...