Forecasting terminology
There are a few terminologies that will help you follow the book as well as other literature on time series. These are described in more detail here:
- Forecasting
Forecasting is the prediction of future values of a time series using the known past values of the time series and/or some other related variables. This is very similar to prediction in ML where we use a model to predict unseen data.
- Multivariate forecasting
Multivariate time series consist of more than one time series variable that is not only dependent on its past values but also has some dependency on the other variables. For example, a set of macroeconomic indicators such as gross domestic product (GDP), inflation, and so on of a particular country can be considered as a multivariate time series. The aim of multivariate forecasting is to come up with a model that captures the interrelationship between the different variables along with its relationship with its past and forecast all the time series...