Text objects
A text version of an object is useful for a few specific development tasks. C/AL code or expressions can be placed in a number of different nooks and crannies of objects. In addition, sometimes object behavior is controlled by Properties. As a result, it's not always easy to figure out just how an existing object is accomplishing its tasks.
An object exported to text has all its code and properties flattened out where we can use our favorite text editor to search and view. Text copies of two versions of an object can easily be compared in a text editor. Text objects can be stored and managed in a source code library. In addition, a few tasks, such as renumbering an object, can be done more easily in the text copy than within C/SIDE.
Some useful practices
We should liberally make backups of objects on which we are working. Always make a backup of an object before changing it. Make intermediate backups regularly during the development. This allows recovery back to...