Troubleshooting application sequencing/launching
There are several scenarios for which we might need a little help when we are trying to sequence an application. We've learnt earlier, in Chapter 2, Sequencing in Complex Environments, about complex and even unsupported applications that require some tweaking.
In those cases, when we need some deep troubleshooting to make our application work, we can use Microsoft Sysinternal's Process Monitor.
We are going to focus, in this section, on how to use Process Monitor for troubleshooting virtual applications, but it is not necessary for us to do this with the sequencing process. There are some cases for which we will not need to resequence the application, after this troubleshooting.
Using Process Monitor for troubleshooting
Process Monitor is probably the best collection tool for monitoring process activity in an operating system; it is not used only by IT admins; Microsoft Support engineers also work with this tool in order to find the root cause...