Metasploit Auxiliaries for Web Application enumeration and scanning
We have already seen some of the auxiliary modules within the Metasploit Framework for enumerating HTTP services in Chapter 4, ;Information Gathering with Metasploit. Next, we'll explore some additional auxiliary modules that can be effectively used for enumeration and scanning web applications:
- cert: ;This module can be used to enumerate whether the certificate on the target web application is active or expired. ;Its auxiliary module name is
, the use of which is shown in the following screenshot:

The parameters to be configured are as follows:
- RHOSTS: ;IP address or IP range of the target to be scanned
It is also possible to run the module simultaneously on multiple targets by specifying a file containing a list of target IP addresses, for example, set RHOSTS /root/targets.lst
: ;This module checks for the presence of various directories on the target web server. These directories...