Blueprint data structure
Now all you need to do is, from the content browser, choose Structure from the Blueprint option of the Add New menu. This will create a data structure for you.

Now you have a data structure asset, but it is empty. Just double-click in order to open it inside the data editor. And all that you need to do, is to match the signature. Which means you create assets, with the names of the cell names in your Excel sheet and the same data type.
For example, for my weapons
table, I can create (keep in mind that Bellz data structures are made in C++ and not in blueprint):
- String: Icon
- String: DisplayName
- Integer: Damage
- Integer: CooldownTime

Now, I have a data structure that fits the same signature of my imported data asset. Now try to import the weapons table again and set its import data structure to that data structure which fits the signature.

The resulting data asset will be fully imported now and can work just perfectly, and if you double-click on this asset file, you will find...